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How to Skip Windows logon Screen in Windows Xp, 7 & 8 :
Though Today we will learn to Skip Windows logon Screen in Windows 7/8 and xp
My First advice to all will be not to do it if you are not the sole user of your PC or laptop. if you do so, it makes your PC vulnerable. Anyone will be able to access your PC , and hence your Important Files and other Data if you skip or disable windows logon screen.

On the other hand, if you are the only one to use your computer or if you don’t need to keep other people off your PC, then you can whole heartedly Skip Windows logon Screen without any Problem. At times its boring to enter passwords every time you boot your PC, So why not disable the logon screen so that your
PC boots Directly and you can start working right away.

Steps to Skip Windows logon Screen In Windws Xp, 7 & 8 :
Step 1: First of all you will need to open Advanced User account,
Click on Start , Type netplwiz and Click Enter (For Windows 7 & Vista users)
Click on Start, Type control userpasswords2
and Click Enter (For Windows xp users)
Hover your mouse to any corner, Click on
Search and type netplwiz in the app section
then click on netplwiz (For Windows 8
Step 2:
After performing the above tasks in
your version of Windows You will Get a dialogue
box similar to below Picture. 1st you will have
to select the Account, then Uncheck the box
Users must enter a user name and
password to use this computer and lastly
click on ok.
Step 3:
Now you will be asked to enter your
password twice, so do it and thats enough we
have done to Skip Windows logon Screen. You
will see that the next time you boot your PC,
you will not be asked for Username or
How do I Get back the logon screen ?
After Disabling logon screen, if you feel insecure
and whant the logon screen back then you can
do it by again pagainming step 1 in this tutorial
and Check the box users must enter a
user name and password to use this
Thats it now the next time your PC will boot,
you will be asked for username and password.
If you have any doubt in the tutorial, feel free to
Speak your mind in Comments below


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